- The design of the RPSP strongly emphasizes a country-driven and country-owned approach for providing climate finance by aiming to help beneficiary countries (i) strengthen their NDA/FPs to lead effective intra-governmental coordination mechanisms; (ii) establish a legitimate and transparent no-objection procedure (NOP); (iii) effectively engage stakeholders (including civil society organizations [CSOs] and the private sector) in the preparation of coherent country programmes; (iv) support the accreditation/capacity-building of Direct Access Entities (DAEs); and (v) formulate National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and/or other adaptation planning processes. - The design of the RPSP is broader and more ambitious compared to comparator funds.
This comparison shows that in its design, the RPSP has been supporting a broader and more ambitious range of readiness activities than the other comparator funds, consistent with the overall ambition of the GCF as a whole.
The RPSP is the only fund that allows unaccredited entities to serve as DPs for readiness projects.
One of few: - The GCF and the MLF are the only funds that finance institutional strengthening projects to augment the capacities of their national FPs. - The GCF and the AF are the only two funds that have open-ended windows for eligible organizations to seek accreditation to prepare, submit, and implement investment projects.