Climate change is everyone's business
Liberia has 2 projects approved by the GCF board with a value of USD 37 million and is part of 3 multi-national funding proposals. Since 2015, the country has been growing its capacity step by step and access to climate finance with readiness support most notably focusing on adaptation planning, NDA capacity strengthening, and country programming.
At a glance
Number of Readiness Grants
+Liberia has received GCF readiness support in 6 grants since 2015.
-Amount of Readiness Financing
+Cumulative funding amount of GCF Readiness Support to Liberia since 2015
-Number of GCF project beneficiaries
+Total estimated number of beneficiaries from GCF Funded Activities and Readiness projects for Liberia
-“As small as you think it is, it is impactful, it is needed. It is a gamechanger for LDCs”
Jeremiah Sokan
Coordinator at the National Climate Change Secretariat, speaking on the value of the GCF’s Readiness Programme
Readiness projects as steppingstones to access climate finance
National Adaptation Plans / Total Financing USD $2.26 Million
NDA empowerment / 7.7 Million Beneficiaries from the GCF investment in hydrometeorological infrastructure, fostered by the readiness support to Liberia NDA
The Secret to successful Readiness activities
Only with the RPSP
Regular annual sum of USD 1 Million
Easily available online with clear instructions and how-to webinars.
Both NDAs and IAEs can apply
Practical, real-world actions and solutions
Students enrolled
+Through GCF funding, capacity building activities have been deployed in form of seminars and classes where skills are build to process climate data and plan based on short-term and medium-term weather forecasts.
Rainfall stations
+Contributing to measure more accuretly meteorological conditions. Calculated using progress/completion reports of 6 readiness grants as of Dec-2021.
Workshops participants
+Calculated using progress/completion reports of 6 readiness grants as of Dec-2021.